Explore my Projects, Photo Gallery, and Print Shop

About Me

I’m a web developer and landscape photographer based in Salt Lake City, UT.

I enjoy traveling, photography, and building things.

I aim to leverage my skills in Web Development and digital design to expand access to solutions dedicated to advancing human health and protecting public lands.

Outside of my career, I photograph landscapes and travel destinations whenever I get the opportunity. In June 2020, I launched dannyholmanmedia.com to showcase my photography collection – which led me into the world of web development.

I also build custom wooden frames to house my photo prints. Visit my Print Shop to explore photo prints and handcrafted frames.











USA Explorer

The USA National Parks Explorer is a React application that allows users to explore U.S. National Parks through an interactive map , powered by the D3.js geoAlbersUSA() projection. The app features a search bar, state dropdown, and an Information Box displaying detailed park data, fetched from the National Parks Service API. Users can zoom, select states, and click on parks to view information such as location, activities, weather, and more, all while ensuring a smooth, user experience.